Wine Tasting Review-Preview Italian tasting 7/18

It all started out innocently enough, a beautiful sunny day the likes of which are rare and glorious in these parts. Not too hot, not too cold (well, hot enough to turn on the AC in late afternoon, when the sun came round to shine in the windows), and no one coming by till around 2:30. So we figured everyone was on the garden tour, or at the rummage sale/ picnic/ beer garden. 2:30 is about when Anne and Jerry usually amble in, cuz another neighbor comes in about then most Saturdays to clean their house. This is a great treat for anyone and a really good idea: take Saturday afternoons off, pay someone else to do whatever task you were going to do, and come celebrate in the wine shop. I love these people, they have their priorities in the right place!

After that a few others trickled in, then a few more, and it got quite festive there for awhile. Near the end of the day Judy and John came in with more wines to taste, and anyone who was lucky enough to be around got to try a few more. It is great to be able to get instant feedback from our patrons about what we should stock!

All the wines showed very well, with the consensus favorite for the hot afternoon the Montinore Borealis white, which was really delicious. More is on the way, should have it this week. But every wine was someone’s favorite of the day!










This week we are expecting a shipment of six very interesting Italian wines from small artisan producers. They are all super values, with the most expensive around $15. Who knows, maybe we will taste them all…!

Wine Tasting

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