Archive for August, 2009
Lummi Island Wine Tasting August 29
A million or so years ago when I was a young naval officer, the unwritten rule was that conversation in the wardroom (officers’ mess) should avoid the three controversial subject areas of sex, religion, and politics to avoid offending anyone. Nowadays, these are often popular and lively topics of speculation and debate, especially among familiars. […]
Wine Tasting August 22
click on red counter to post a comment It was a quieter day at the wine shop on Saturday, more amenable to conversation than some recent Saturdays, very pleasant. Nancy B came by with her grown-up twins Sierra and Christopher both visiting with their respective partners. It’s always a little startling how much time and […]
Wine Tasting August 15
Let’s begin with kudos to all involved in making the first ever Lummi Island Energy Fair a success last weekend. Liz Marshall spearheaded the operation; Ria Harboe made the “Recycled Art Show” happen, and lots of FOIL (Friends of the Island Library) volunteers (especially Pat!) put in hours setting up, making signs, and organizing for […]
Wine tasting preview August 8
Last Saturday was nuts, as has been the summer trend. But this time the crowd was spread out over the entire afternoon, instead of concentrating around late afternoon. We started with a couple of big parties, the first arriving mostly by bicycle, but accompanied by their Mother Ship, a gigantic pickup truck well equipped to […]