Archive for August, 2014
Lummi island wine tasting Labor Day weekend ’14
Studio tour Featured Artist Our artist for Labor Day Weekend Studio Tour is again our friend and neighbor down the street, Anne Gibert. Anne has been in something of a high-gear production mode for well over a year now, generating an amazing series of large, colorful, and appealing paintings at a prodigious rate. These newer […]
lummi island wine tasting August 23 ’14
French Wine Orders Have Arrived! Most of you don’t know that it was over a year ago that Ryan hatched a plan to reconnect with some of his favorite French wineries (ah, mais oui, ALL his favorite wineries are French…shrug..), and became their agent for US import. We and many of our members have visited […]
lummi island wine tasting aug 16 ’14
A quiet day This year saw the return of the Lummi Island Reefnet Festival, an ode to Lummi Island’s unique Historic Fishery, started time out of mind ago by the Coast Salish who have inhabited these parts for eight thousand years or so. You can read more about modern reefnetting here. It is an Island […]
lummi island wine tasting august 8 ’14
Awwwwfully Cute…! Sometime in the last couple of weeks I was working on a project in front of the garage/ wine shop when I heard a commotion in the bushes nearby along with a peculiar sort of shrieking. Curious but cautious, I tiptoed around the apparent source and found these three little rascals clinging to […]