Archive for June, 2014
lummi island wine tasting June 28 ‘014
Jura Wines: Ouillé vs. Sous Voile One of the greatest highlights of our trip was our visit to the Jura wine region of France, north of Geneva and east of Burgundy. Here there is a very long history of making oxidized wines, which taste very, very different from the wines we are all used to. […]
Lummi Island Wine Tasting Summer Solstice Weekend ’14
We’re back! After a very long day of travel, we got home from France last night on the 11 o’clock boat, after driving from Aix-en-Provence to Marseille, flying from Marseille to Heathrow to Vancouver with a 4-hour wait in London, delays with baggage in Vancouver, and of course that eerie thing of spending nine hours […]
Notes from France June 13 ’14
Reminder Since circumstances here en France are conspiring to make posting the weekly blog something of a challenge, this post will just be a reminder to all of our Faithful Followers that the wine shop will NOT be open this weekend, because we are en chateau deep in the French countryside in the northeast corner […]
Notes from France June 6 ’14
Hours ummm…late reminder…we are not open this weekend or next…! Photos Just concluding a week in Lyon and environs, leaving today ( Saturday) to join Ryan and tour group at a beautiful place somewhere, as best we can tell, in the middle of No Where…! More later ! In the meantime, here are a few […]