Archive for August, 2010
Wine Tasting August 27 ’10
There was a full moon a couple of days ago. Got up during very early morning twilight to this scene out the front window. Our view is out over Legoe Bay toward Orcas Island– compare this with the Legoe Bay Winery Label…uh oh, can’t find a picture of it not even on their website! You’ll […]
Wine Tasting August 21 ’10
It was hot on the island, steaming hot. So hot that people were digging in trunks and attics and basements (Actually I don’t think anyone on Lummi Island really has an attic OR a basement) for shorts and sandals, which you can only wear around here two days per, you know, decade. So hot I […]
Wine Tasting August 14 ’10
Last Saturday was a CRAZY day, a GREAT day shall we say, in that we had a LOT of visitors, including a lot of first-timers (okay we need a catchy name for first-timers…winning name gets a free tasting…we know Mary Beth will come up with a bunch, what about the rest of you??? R U […]
Wine Tasting August 7 ’10
Well, once again Mary Beth proved that she actually reads these posts by bringing us a charming little demi-bouteille of limoncello, complete with recipe. Man, that stuff is good. So MB racked up another free tasting, as she did with the “Screaming Seagull” logo contest a couple of weeks ago. This woman needs some competition, […]