Archive for April, 2010
Wine Tasting April 30 ’10
Let’s face it: whatever it is that John Morgan is doing to make his Lost River wines taste so good, the crowd around here gives a rousing “Yea!” Every time we pour these wines, we see eyes rolling back into heads, lips smacking and mmmm-ing, and general hearty notes of approval. This is the wonderful […]
Wine Tasting April 24 ’10
The wine of the week last week had to be the Alto Moncayo Veraton ‘04. We have had a case or two of this around for some while now, and I never seem to get around to pouring it. Parker gave it 93 points: 100% Grenache ; A brilliant wine, reminiscent of a top-notch Chateauneuf […]
Wine Tasting April 17 ’10
By far the most memorable aspect of last weekend’s tasting was a little wine called Palama Arcangelo Salice Salentino, selling for $11. The wine region is way down on the boot of Italy. The grapes are Negro amaro and Primitivo, a predecessor of the fruit-intensive zinfandel. It’s not complicated, but it is quite enchanting. The […]
Wine Tasting April 11 ’10
It’s been a crazy week in the “day job,” the one that has been keeping this place afloat. Plus something going on every evening, no time for blogging. So here it is near midnight, and at the very least you should have some idea of what we will be pouring this weekend, while last weekend […]