Archive for May, 2010
Wine Tasting Memorial Day Weekend Studio Tour ’10
We are just back from Italy, jet-lagged and jet-weary; flying is trying. By all accounts last weekend was a big crazy crowd. Not sure exactly what wines were poured in our absence, but rumors are that a good time was had by a large and boisterous crowd, about what we expected with Judy pouring…! Pictures! […]
Tuscany is for Drivers
Never mind that the road signs are incomprehensible, with every manner of blue circles, red circles, blue P’s in white fields, and my personal favorite, the dreaded red X in the red circle and the blue field which seems to shout, “Stoppa the carra righta now, and steppa out witha your handsa uppa” and you […]
Tuscan Tour: Florence = Kyoto West??
photos We finally arrived in Florence in mid-evening, a little over a day after leaving Lummi Island, took a taxi to our hotel, checked in, and got a recommendation for a nearby dinner cafe. Around the corner were street musicians with amps, mikes, , he playing the accordion, she singing a range of standards in […]
Tuscany and the Volcano
The first thing you need to know about Italy (43N, 11E) is that it is a long way from Lummi Island (48 N, 122W). Central Italy isn’t much further south—a few hundred miles—but is 133 degrees east…about a third of the way around the world, about 8000 miles directly, more like six or seven if […]