Archive for January, 2020
lummi island wine tasting groundhog weekend ’20
click on photos for larger images No Friday Breads This Week Baker’s week off. Bread returns next week! (breads must be pre-ordered by Wednesday for pickup here at the wine shop at our Friday wine tasting, 4-6pm. Planning a visit to the Island? Email us to get on the mailing list!) […]
lummi island wine tasting jan 24 ’20
click on photos for larger images Friday Breads This Week Multi Grain- Uses a preferment where a portion of the flour, water, salt & yeast is mixed and fermented overnight before mixing the final dough to begin the enzymatic activity and gluten development overnight in a cool environment. The next day it is mixed with […]
lummi island wine tasting jan 17 ’20
click on photos for larger images Friday Breads This Week Dried Cherry Walnut – Made with a nice mix of bread flour and freshly milled buckwheat and whole wheat flours. Orange juice and olive oil are a unique combination in this bread that add flavor and keep a soft crumb, then loaded up with dried […]
lummi island wine tasting jan 10 ’20
click on photos for larger images Friday Breads This Week Kamut Levain – Kamut, also known as khorasan wheat, is an ancient grain that has more protein than conventional wheat, and which some people find to be more digestible than wheat. The bread is made with a levain preferment mixed with with bread flour and […]