Archive for March, 2013
Lummi Island Wine Tasting March 30 ’13 Easter Weekend
Easter thoughts Okay, I know what you’re thinking. Here it is Easter again, and you still have no reasonable explanation for why a Christian celebration of the resurrection of the historical Jesus should be confounded with the, let’s face it, rather bizarre symbol of the “Easter Bunny.” How exactly do these things fit together? I […]
Lummi Island Wine Tasting March 23 ’13 Toast to Spring!
Signs of Spring It is comforting to see the days growing longer, and to feel the sun growing warmer. On our daily walk to Legoe Bay with the dogs today the perceptible warmth of the sun was the perfect offset to the chlll in the air and the cool breeze off the water. Global warming […]
Lummi Island Wine Tasting March 16 ’13 St. Patrick’s Weekend
Annual Nod to St. Pattie “The first known St. Patrick’s Day celebration was held in 1762, when Irish soldiers enrolled in the British army marched down Broadway in a display of ethnic pride. Some stayed when their enlistments expired, and New York, then as now, became a center of Irish immigration to America. In later […]
Lummi Island Wine Tasting March 8/9, ’13
A Brick for Every Friend! We mentioned a couple of weeks ago that the ever-creative Island Library fundraising effort was exploring the possibility of selling engraved bricks for a “donor wall” in the new reading garden behind the fiction room. Well, folks, that plan is now a Reality!! Sometime in the next few days the […]