Archive for July, 2017
lummi island wine tasting july 28 ’17
(note: some photos will enlarge when clicked) Bread this week Whole wheat – made with prefermented dough; the final dough is made with about half fresh milled whole wheat and a little honey for sweetness. A great all around bread – $5/loaf Flax seed currant Ciabatta – Made with a poolish that ferments some of […]
lummi island wine tasting july 21 ’17
(note: some photos will enlarge when clicked) Bread this week Kamut Levain – Kamut, also known as khorasan wheat, is an ancient grain that has more protein than conventional wheat. Some people who can’t tolerate wheat find kamut to be more digestible. The bread is made with bread flour and fresh milled whole gamut flour. […]
lummi island wine tasting Bastille Day ’17
(note: some photos will enlarge when clicked) Bread this week Multi Grain with pre-fermented dough – A portion of the flour, water, salt & yeast is mixed and fermented overnight before mixing the final dough; next day it is mixed with bread flour and fresh milled whole wheat and rye, then flax, sunflower and sesame […]
lummi island wine tasting july 7 ’17
(note: some photos will enlarge when clicked) Bread this week Rosemary Olive Oil – made with bread flour and a bit of freshly milled white whole wheat for a little more flavor and texture. Fresh rosemary from the garden and olive oil to make for a nice tender crumb and a nice crisp crust. A […]