
This little post is a test to see if I can learn to post a photo to the blog using the &!## IPad…..which after several frustrating weeks of trial and error has revealed—reluctantly!— a couple of useful features.

It took awhile to find out there is a WordPress app (see, now I am throwing around meaningless Jargon as if I actually knew what “app” really means).The main thing I have learned about these app things is that some of them are fully functional right on your iPad, you know like a program on a pc. But most are not like that at all, because they require online access to be complete, because they sort of meta-exist in the so-called Cloud. All I’m saying is that the big problem with all of this is that you have to have web access All the Time to make these things worthwhile. And we don’t. Especially here en Espana.

Across the street from our little apartment is a tower with a couple of storks. We have been a bit under the weather so have stayed in a lot last few days. Storks are beautiful birds, very big and
Heron-like. so let’s se if we can show you what they look like…



Wine Tasting

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