Reminder–closed this weekend, reopening January 18

Reminder: closed for another week!

Just a reminder to all our friends that we are closed for annual inventory and a little respite. We expect to be closed till Friday. January 18, when we will reopen for our regular Friday and Saturday wine tastings. We apologize for any inconvenience, and look forward to seeing you in two weeks!


A couple of travel memories

This was taken at the opening event of the Falset (Spain) 2012 Priorat Wine Festival last April, called “Night of the Garnatxes.” This was the main floor of the winery, the Capcanes Cooperativa; there were other buildings and other floors and all looked like this…btw, the party didn’t even START till 11pm! Fortunately it was only a five minute walk from where we were staying. GREAT wines, GREAT party! In aught-fourteen we’d like to go back with a group. Anyone interested??

Night of the Garnatxes, Priorat Wine Festival, April, 2012

French winery chairs
At several wineries we spotted these old chairs with the region name on them. Never did learn the story of their origin, but they all look to have been around for a long time…love to have a collection from different areas! You will recall from previous posts that I am a big fan of wines from Pic St. Loup!

the pic st loup chair

Wine Tasting

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